Datum: 17-01-2018

DMM roept op tot inspectie van alle modellen klimgordels (eng)

Following the discovery of missing structural sewing on a DMM Brenin Harness during a routine inspection by an end user, we are issuing the following information to users of all DMM harnesses, and asking them to carry out a visual inspection on the key structural sewing on their harnesses.

This is the first instance of this product fault in the history of DMM harness production. As both the manufacturing and quality control processes on the Brenin are shared with our other harness models, we feel that issuing a precautionary instruction advising climbers to check all DMM harnesses is the appropriate response.

Upon notification of the missing structural sewing, DMM immediately initiated a full investigation and quality control audit on harness production, carried out a 100% re-inspection of all harness stock, and are now issuing this request for user inspection.